Fashion, Trees, and Convolutions: Part III - Convolutions

March 10, 2020

In this mini-series of posts, I will describe a hyper-parameter tuning experiment on the fashion-mnist dataset. I wanted to test out a guided and easy way to run hyper-parameter tuning. In Part II, I described setting up the end-to-end pipeline with a baseline, and running hyper-parameter tuning with the hyperopt package. In this third and final chapter, I describe my target models, a convolutional neural network trained from scratch and a transfer learning model. ... Read more

Fashion, Trees, and Convolutions: Part II - Baseline

March 8, 2020

In this mini-series of posts, I will describe a hyper-parameter tuning experiment on the fashion-mnist dataset. In the Part I, I described the workflow to create the data for my experiments. In this post, I describe creating the baseline and a guided hyper-parameter tuning method. The Baseline For any modeling tasks, I always like to create a baseline model as a starting point. Typically, this will be a relatively basic model in nature. ... Read more

Fashion, Trees, and Convolutions: Part I - Data Crunch

March 6, 2020

In this mini-series of posts, I will describe a hyper-parameter tuning experiment on the fashion-mnist dataset. Hyper-paramater tuning is a very important aspect of training models in machine learning. Particularly with neural networks, where the architecture, optimizer and data can be subject to different parameters. When developing machine learning solutions, there is an interative cycle that can be adopted to enable fast iteration, continous targeted improvements, and testing of the solution - as with any other software systems problems. ... Read more

These Past Weeks in Science & Tech - 002

May 2, 2017

In this May’s edition of “These Past Weeks in Science & Tech”, I’ll be discussing /R Biological Data Stores Our bodies are walking a library of information. From chemical processes that regulate our biological functions, to experiences imprinted in our minds through exeprience, our cells somehow manage to store, access, and use information. So, it is no surpise that we should turn to biology to find the next generation of storage. ... Read more

These Past Weeks in Science & Tech - 001

April 2, 2017

I tend to read quite a bit. I read journals, blogs, and sites on technology, AI, learning (with and without machines), and technology. These include renowed ones, like ACM Tech News, MIT News and Technology Review, and aleatory ones that I find on the web through platforms like Medium. As someone who enjoys reading, and writing, I figured I could use summary notes on the things I learn about. And so, I decided to do that on this blog. ... Read more

Pokémon Go: A Killer Catch

August 6, 2016

Pokémon Go has been released for roughly six weeks now, and it’s already a phenomenon that is moving people. Literally. Whether you’re trying to get an egg hatched, searching for new Pokémon to capture, or just looking for the next gym battle to conquer your turf, and territory, people are out and about with their Pokédex in hand walking the Earth. It’s a must, if you want to become the world’s most premier Pokémon master; and according to the number of users of the app, almost every young adult and child with a smartphone does. ... Read more

HTTP Status Codes Explained: A Daily Life Translation

July 15, 2015

If you browse the web, I’m willing to bet you’ve encountered of an HTTP status code at some point in time. A dreadful 404 when the page is missing; 301/302 when you’re redirected to another page; or a good old 200 when you actually get to see the page. Well, I decided to do a translation of the meaning of some of most common HTTP codes into examples that non-techies can possibly relate to. ... Read more